Why Summer is a Good Time for Christian Counseling for Women

Why Summer is a Good Time for Christian Counseling for Women

christian counseling for women

When is the best time to start Christian counseling for women? This answer can vary from person to person, but many women find that summer is the right time for them. While summer can be joyful and fun, it can also be stressful, and there are issues that women face in particular that can worsen this time of year. Thankfully, there are resources that can help! 

Common Reasons for Christian Counseling for Women in the Summer

Why do many women start counseling in the summer? At Sojourner Counseling, we’ve had the privilege of helping many women of faith at all times of the year, but there are some unique situations that tend to arise in the summer. If you can relate to any of the statements below, and you’re interested in women’s Christian counseling in Raleigh, NC, then you’ve come to the right place! 

“Everyone is happy this time of year. But I’m not, and that’s hard to deal with.”

Sunnier days often bring a sunnier state of mind, but not always. If you’re feeling discouraged, guilty, or envious because you don’t seem as happy as other people, then women’s Christian counseling can help. Many people, like yourself, notice that their anxiety and depression actually worsen during the summer months. With help from your therapist, you might find out why this is the case for you, and you can also gain some useful insights and tools for managing these emotions in a healthy way. 

“I love how I feel during the summer, but I know that changes as soon as winter comes.”

Are you someone who experiences seasonal depression during the winter? Sometimes the dread of what’s to come can linger in the back of your mind, like a future foe that will pounce as soon as the temperatures start to drop. While you might be feeling great now, starting therapy in the summer can provide you with a head-start on dealing with your winter blues. You might even find that the coming winter is much easier than those in the past. 

“I feel pressured and self-conscious to have the perfect swimsuit body.”

It’s never easy to deal with a negative body image. However, many women feel this anxiety full force during the summer. Christian counseling can help you find the confidence that you need and provide you with assistance for setting and maintaining healthy weight loss and exercise goals. If you struggle with eating disorders that tend to worsen during this time of year, then your Christian counselor can help with this as well. 

“Having the kids home from school is fun, but also hard.”

Mothers of school-aged children often struggle during the summer months. It could be that you find it difficult to keep up with your job while the kids are home, or maybe you have trouble managing all the summer activities and become overwhelmed. What’s worse is when the guilt sets in, making you feel as if you aren’t being the mother that you want to be. Whatever your struggle might be, Christian counseling can help you make the most of this time so that you and your children can enjoy a happier summer vacation.

“It’s hard to change gears as a homeschooling mom during the summer.” 

Homeschooling moms might have a mixture of emotions when summer comes around. On one hand, it can be a huge relief when the school year is over. However, adjusting to this change of pace comes with difficulties that can lead to stress for you and your family. If you want some help switching gears and making the most of the warm months, then your Christian counselor is here for you. 

“I feel more motivated in the summer, so now is the time to get the help I’ve needed.”

Sometimes people feel inspired during the summer to get more things done, and this can include getting help for their mental health. If you are one of these people, then take advantage of this motivation. Otherwise, you might find yourself putting it off, which can lead to worsening symptoms. 

Types of Christian Counseling in Raleigh, NC for Women 

Your mental health doesn’t come to a screeching halt just because summer has arrived. In fact, many women find that counseling is most useful during the summer. There are many ways in which women’s Christian counseling can help, so you can find support and healing now and into the future. Common areas of Christian counseling for women include:

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Eating Disorders
  • Marriage and Family Life
  • Faith and Spirituality
  • And More

Learn More About Women’s Christian Counseling in Raleigh

There’s no shame in needing some help, no matter what season of life you are in. At Sojourner Counseling, our team of Christian therapists in Raleigh is here for you! We offer a variety of services for women, including all those listed above. If you’d like to learn more or schedule your first appointment, please reach out to us and we will provide the information that you need.


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