Tag: christian therapy

shame depression

How Shame Can Look Like Depression

When finding solutions for your mental health, it’s important to understand the true source of your troubles. Sometimes this can be challenging because many symptoms overlap, like depression and shame. Thankfully, there are professionals who can help you understand what’s going on beneath the surface so that the right tools for healing can be implemented.…
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modeling faith to your children

5 Ways Parents Can Model Faith to Their Children

You don’t need anyone to tell you how challenging it is to be a parent or how important it is to encourage your children in your Christian faith. However, you might have more than a few questions about how to go about this sensitive task.  For example, you might have heard some unfortunate stories about…
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trauma and faith

Trauma and Its Impacts on Faith

Faith is largely hinged on how we view God, and there is one thing that can do a lot of damage in this regard—trauma. That’s because faith is hinged on trust, and trauma can make it very difficult to trust in anyone, including God. Below are some common forms of trauma, and how these traumas…
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teen anxiety and christian counseling

How to Address Teen Anxiety with Christian Counseling

Anxiety is a normal part of life, especially for teenagers as they transition from childhood to adulthood. However, when anxiety begins to impact your teen’s day-to-day life, affecting their ability to thrive personally, relationally, and spiritually, then it might be time to get some help. Christian counseling for teen anxiety can provide the support that you’re…
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what's the difference between christian and biblical counseling

Biblical & Christian Counseling: How to Know the Difference

Are you looking into Christian therapists in Raleigh, NC for yourself or your child? If so, you might have come across a few options when searching for “Christian counseling near me,” including biblical counselors and Christian counselors. What’s the difference between the two approaches? Let’s explore the key distinctions, so that you can make an…
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idol of control

How to Deal with the Idol of Control

Anything that takes the place of God in our life can become an idol, and this includes the Idol of Control. As Christians, we know that God is the One who is in control, but sometimes we take this burden onto ourselves. Why might we do this? Sometimes, we struggle with control issues because: Why…
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holistic christianity

A Holistic Approach to Therapy: Christian Counseling

While there are benefits to all forms of counseling, people of faith find that the holistic approach offered by Christian counseling suits their needs better. What is this holistic approach, and why do Christian counselors consider it important?  It all comes down to the understanding that you are more than a mind and a body,…
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christian counseling for women

Why Summer is a Good Time for Christian Counseling for Women

When is the best time to start Christian counseling for women? This answer can vary from person to person, but many women find that summer is the right time for them. While summer can be joyful and fun, it can also be stressful, and there are issues that women face in particular that can worsen…
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child and teen therapy in the summer

Summer is a Great Time for Child and Teen Therapy

Starting therapy can be challenging for both the parents and their children or teens. However, many people find that beginning therapy can be easier and more beneficial when done in the summer months. Maybe you will too! Here are some reasons why you might opt for starting child and teen therapy in the summer, along…
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how to talk about shame

How To Address Shame with Christian Counseling

Shame can be a nearly crippling emotion for many people, leading to feelings of worthlessness, a lack of confidence, and at times can cause people to be overly critical of themselves and others. For Christians, shame can take on other forms as well. For example, shame might make you feel afraid of God or disconnected…
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