Tag: christian counseling near me

expectations and assumptions

The Toxic Impact of Unspoken Expectations and Assumptions in Relationships

When you text your friend, and they don’t text back, then they must be mad at you. When you’ve been busy and your husband doesn’t wash the dishes that are piling up, then he must not care about you. When you put in those extra hours, your wife should know that you want to relax…
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How To Create Rhythms of Sabbath and Rest

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work (Genesis 2:2). As God’s creation, we look to our Creator for all things. Even so, living in this world comes with its fair share of challenges, and sometimes we can become…
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online counseling

How Online Counseling Makes It Easy to See a Christian Counselor in Raleigh

With the click of a mouse or the tap of the finger, you can access almost anything nowadays—including professional Christian therapists in Raleigh. However, that doesn’t mean that starting therapy is always easy. Maybe you’re concerned about fitting something else into your schedule, or maybe you’re having a hard time finding a local Christian counselor. If…
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trauma and stress

How To Release Trauma Stored in the Body

Reliving painful memories, fear and anxiety, sadness, agitation, and emotional numbness are all common signs of trauma—an emotional response to harmful or life-threatening circumstances. However, trauma isn’t purely mental or emotional. In fact, you might feel like you’ve completely moved on from a traumatic experience, all the while your body is telling a different story. …
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How to Understand and Overcome Perfectionism

Sometimes perfectionism can make you stand out in a good way. Maybe you’re the top of your class, or maybe you’ve gained that promotion that other people were after. Other times, perfectionism can keep you from success because of a fear of failure, cause problems in your relationships, or lead to symptoms of anxiety and…
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depression in teens

How to Notice Signs of Depression in Teens & What Parents Can Do to Help Them

Is my teen depressed? For parents of teens, it can be difficult to know how to differentiate between depression and your average teenage growing pains. It can be normal for teens to experience some moodiness due to hormonal changes, peer pressure, and academics—to name a few.  However, if these low moods are consistent and impact…
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childhood attachment

How to Develop a Secure Attachment with Your Child

Have you heard of Attachment Theory? This theory suggests that babies are born with the need to form a secure bond with their caretakers. Moreover, the formation of this bond throughout all childhood effects the child’s future relationships. Ideally, the child develops a secure attachment style, but that isn’t the only possibility.  Types of attachment…
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students and mindfulness

Back to School: 3 Mindfulness Tools for Students

Students of all ages have a lot to keep up with, so it’s good to be prepared. When getting ready for the new school year, you ensure that you have the right school supplies and everything else that’s necessary to succeed. What about tools for staying on track during lessons, getting assignments done on time,…
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back to school

Back to School: How to Make New Friends for Sixth and Ninth Graders

Usually, sixth graders are transitioning from elementary school to middle school, and ninth graders are going from middle school to high school. For this reason, being a sixth- or ninth-grader can come with all kinds of challenges, including making new friends. Looking for some tips? Here are some things that you can try!  Making Friends…
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back to school and the importance of sleep

Back to School: The Importance of Sleep

Buying school supplies, getting organized, and touring the classroom before the big day are all great ways to get ready for the new school year—but that’s not all. It’s also important to ensure that your child or teen has a regular bedtime routine that makes time for adequate amounts of sleep. Do you want to…
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