Tag: christian counseling in raleigh

how to talk to your counselor about your faith

How to Talk to Your Therapist About Your Faith

Do you want to begin therapy and want to be sure that your Christian faith is not only respected but also incorporated into the healing process? While choosing a Christian therapist is a great starting point, it’s also important to discuss your faith with the therapist before beginning your counseling sessions.  In this article, you…
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confront in love

How to Speak the Truth in Love When We Confront

As Christians, we know that we should do our best to mirror Christ in all things that we do. However, when emotions run hot, this can be challenging for us. This can be especially true when we have to confront others who are harmful to us, to others, or to themselves.  Do you struggle with…
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emdr as a christian

How to Incorporate Your Faith into EMDR Therapy

There are many forms of Christian counseling in Raleigh, NC, including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. This is a therapy for processing traumatic memories that encourages your brain to undergo a natural and effective healing process.  EMDR therapy is a useful resource for PTSD, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and more. While…
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guided prayer through scripture

Guided Prayer through Psalm 121 for the Anxious Heart

Are you struggling with worry, fear, or a general sense of dread and unease? Anxiety is a thief that robs you of your peace and joy. Thankfully, God in His mercy provides us with many ways of dealing with anxiety, like scripture reading and prayer. In this article, we are going to look at Psalm…
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finding acceptance

How to find Acceptance for What You Can’t Control

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” You might be familiar with the “Serenity Prayer,” but this can be easier said than done. It can feel nearly impossible to accept things that cause us pain, so…
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mindfulness as a christian

How to Practice Mindfulness as a Christian

What is the practice of mindfulness? Mindfulness is a meditation and relaxation technique that focuses your attention on the present moment. This includes calmly noticing thoughts, emotions, and sensations—without reacting to them or judging them as either good or bad. While mindfulness is not exclusively a Christian practice and is something that is practiced in…
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college student prioritizing their faith

College Students: How to Prioritize Your Faith in College

Being a Christian in college can be exciting, but also challenging. Many of your peers might judge the Christian way of life as outdated or even hateful, and you might find academic obstacles when learning about world views that differ from your own. You also have a lot that is competing for your time and…
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christian counseling for women

Christian Counseling for Women: Faith Focused, Therapeutic and Compassionate Care

Christian women today face many challenges, and it’s understandably difficult to get through these hard times on your own. The good news is that you don’t have to. Christian counseling for women provides a safe, faith-based environment for helping you overcome whatever problems you are facing.  Whether you want help talking through a difficult life…
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christian counseling

Is it Okay for A Christian to See a Counselor?

Are you thinking about seeing a Christian counselor in Raleigh, NC but feel ashamed because you see this as a sign that something is off about your faith? As Christians, we know that we should rely on Jesus, and we believe that He can help us get through anything. We might see our inability to…
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Are You Overwhelmed or Anxious? Try this Grounding Exercise

Every day, we’re surrounded by tasks and distractions. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the many to-do’s. For those dealing with a busy mind with thoughts that can’t seem to settle, it can be difficult to find something that can calm your body and mind and refocus your spirit. Having a technique that helps you…
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