Counseling for Global Workers and TCKs at Sojourner


Living globally can bring many joys and difficulties. You or your child will find a safe space to explore your or their journey of cross-cultural transition, daily living overseas, and re-entry with a counselor at Sojourner Counseling. Counseling for global workers is offered to individuals and families across the state of North Carolina or living globally.

Counseling Can Help You Process the Nuances of Global Living

As a global worker, you have experienced God’s call to move overseas. But living overseas or in a new culture can be far from easy. Adjustment and daily living struggles can be amplified if previous mental health struggles or family-of-origin/childhood issues haven’t received proper care. You or your child’s faith in God may be tried and tested when deep suffering occurs. Counseling can be a great resource to help you or your children process the impact of daily living. Whether you or your child has made a recent transition, has lived in another country for years, or had multiple moves within your or your child’s lifetime, counseling can help you or your child impact past struggles, present difficulties, and anticipation of the future.

But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not faint.
-Isaiah 40:31

Counseling Can Help MKs/TCKs and Christian Global Workers

Below are some common difficulties that global workers and TCKs may face. If you’re struggling and needing further support, counseling may be a helpful aid to you or your child.

Isolation | Loneliness | Spiritual weariness, dryness, or depression | Crisis of faith | Burnout | Unhealthy ways of coping | Difficulty managing stress | Anxiety | Depression | Lack of faith community | Trauma / PTSD | Relational conflict | Struggle with identity | Grief & loss |
Transitions, entry & re-entry struggles with mental health


Counseling for Third Culture Kids

Making a global move may bring many emotions, questions, and challenges for your child. These may include feelings about their parents’ calling, lack of control, identity, isolation/belonging, navigating grief and transitions, and anticipation of the future. Additionally, navigating relationships, new culture(s) and language(s), experiencing trauma, or spiritual/faith questions may arise. If your child is having a difficult time adjusting, your child can navigate those questions and stressors through TCK Counseling at Sojourner Counseling.


Counseling for Global Workers

Finding yourself overwhelmed with daily life overseas or returning to the States?  Navigating family or team conflict, grief and loss, burnout, past mental health struggles, and discouragement are weighty. In addition, facing the nuances of another culture, suffering, and spiritual/faith struggles can be a difficult strain on your mind, body, and spirit. Carrying the weight of these burdens can be hard and exhausting. You don’t have to navigate these difficulties alone. Whether on the field, furloughed, or returning to the US, you can find assistance with us.



How Therapists at Sojourner Counseling Can Help

We recognize that no global worker or TCK’s experience is the same, but we have found various approaches that we offer at Sojourner Counseling to be helpful. TCKs and global workers can expect to find our approach to be understanding and compassionate. We do this by first getting to understand your or your child’s history and what current issues are causing distress. Then, we’ll figure out a roadmap to guide you or your child’s therapy. We may even recommend a particular approach that might be helpful, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or EMDR.


Ultimate Hope in Jesus

While we aim to help you through counseling techniques, we also want to point you to the ultimate hope found in Jesus Christ through prayer, scripture, and other scripture disciplines and rhythms. We know that some suffering in this life may not be resolved on this side of heaven, but we will help you explore the hope and healing that is found through a personal relationship with Jesus and the hope, strength, and encouragement God offers in your difficulties.



Begin Therapy for TCK & Global Workers

If you’re seeking therapy for yourself or your child, we are here to help. We can help you navigate the difficulties you or your child may be facing. Take the first step today towards healing and renewal by contacting us to schedule an appointment or learn more about us.


Sojourner Counseling’s Other Services

If you’re curious about our other services, we offer child therapy, Christian counseling, anxiety treatment, and trauma therapy & PTSD treatment. We offer online therapy for TCKs and global workers who live in locations around the world.

To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:

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Meet with one of our globally-minded counselors.

Start finding healing and renewal through counseling for TCKs and global workers!

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