How to Practice Mindfulness as a Christian

How to Practice Mindfulness as a Christian

mindfulness as a christian

What is the practice of mindfulness? Mindfulness is a meditation and relaxation technique that focuses your attention on the present moment. This includes calmly noticing thoughts, emotions, and sensations—without reacting to them or judging them as either good or bad. While mindfulness is not exclusively a Christian practice and is something that is practiced in various ways, there is a type of mindfulness that is uniquely Christian. In this article, we will explore:

  • What is Mindfulness to a Christian?
  • How Do You Practice Mindfulness as a Christian?
  • Is Mindfulness Used in Christian Counseling?

What is Mindfulness to a Christian?

Christian mindfulness practices are not the same as secular mindfulness practices, because the focus and the goals are different. The goal of practicing mindfulness as a Christian can be summarized as “taking captive every thought and making it obedient to Christ.” 

We can explore this idea even further. What thoughts are we taking captive, and how are we using mindfulness to bring these thoughts into obedience to our God? Practicing mindfulness as a Christian can include:

  • Meditating on God’s Ways: Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works (Psalm 119:27).
  • Developing a Mindset of Prayer: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
  • Thinking on Good Things: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things (Philippians 4:7-8).
  • Discerning God’s Will: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).

How Do You Practice Mindfulness as a Christian?

Have you ever prayed? If you’re a Christian, then you probably have. That alone can be considered an act of mindfulness. During prayer, you are mindful of the presence of God as you praise Him, seek guidance, and ask for Him to intervene in your life or in the life of others. Here are some additional ways to practice mindfulness as a Christian:

  • Focused Bible Study: Let’s say that you are dealing with depression, and you want to “take captive” those negative thoughts. Doing a Bible study on God’s remedy for depression can take your mind off the present troubles and focus them on the promises of God. The same can be applied to a myriad of other troubles that we face.
  • Admiring God’s Creation: The creation testifies of our Creator, and though the Creator is not Himself the Creation, we can rid our mind of unwanted thoughts and feelings by immersing ourselves in the awe of all that God has made for us.
  • Sitting in Silence with God: Sometimes, the best thing that we can do is to sit in silence with God. Whatever feelings or thoughts you have, acknowledge them, and give them up to God, trusting that He hears those who “cast their cares on the Lord.” 

Is Mindfulness Used in Christian Counseling?

The goal of Christian counseling is to help you overcome mental, emotional, and relational problems through a mixture of proven therapeutic methods and faith-based practices. For example, many therapists utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as a method of understanding thoughts and feelings that lead to undesired behaviors, and this is largely rooted in mindfulness practices.

Faith-based mindfulness is a key component of Christian CBT therapy. Your counselor might use scripture and prayer to help you evaluate your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from a Christian perspective while providing you with good things to center your mind and life around. Christian Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be used to help with anxiety, depression, trauma, and more.

Are There Christian Counselors in Raleigh, NC Who Use Mindfulness Practices?

Every Christian counselor is different in his or her approach, but there are many who implement faith-based mindfulness practices as a method of dealing with unhealthy thoughts and behavior patterns. Are you interested in finding Christian therapists in Raleigh, NC who know how to use mindfulness as a Christian? 

Find out more about Christian CBT therapy and mindfulness practices today by contacting Sojourner Counseling. We are a local source of Christian counseling in Raleigh for therapy related to trauma, anxiety, depression, teenage counseling, and more. 


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