How Shame Can Look Like Depression

How Shame Can Look Like Depression

shame depression

When finding solutions for your mental health, it’s important to understand the true source of your troubles. Sometimes this can be challenging because many symptoms overlap, like depression and shame. Thankfully, there are professionals who can help you understand what’s going on beneath the surface so that the right tools for healing can be implemented.

For example, you might wonder if you have depression. However, if you treat the depression symptoms without getting to the root of the matter, then you might not find the relief that you want. For many people, depression is something different—something that looks a lot like depression but has different causes and different treatments. What is this masked marauder? Shame.

What is Shame? 

Most people feel embarrassment or humiliation after doing something that violates their moral compass. You might also feel bad for failing to meet certain goals or for letting someone down. This is guilt. For example, guilt might motivate you to repair broken relationships, stop harmful behaviors, and work towards doing your best. 

Shame moves beyond this. In his book, Shame Interrupted, Ed Welch describes shame in this way, “Shame is the deep sense that you are unacceptable because of something you did, something done to you, or something associated with you. You feel exposed and humiliated. Or, to strengthen the language, you are disgraced because you acted less than human, you were treated as if you were less than human, or you were associated with something less than human, and there are witnesses.”

Shame cuts you down the core and root of who you are, telling you that you are unworthy, unlovable, and less than. Because of this, the result includes symptoms that look a lot like depression, even though it is not. These symptoms can be broken down into three categories: psychological, physical, and social.  

Psychological Symptoms 

Your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can be greatly impacted by shame, and sometimes this can have a major effect on your day-to-day life. Thankfully, there is help available to you, and this begins by understanding how shame affects your mental health. Some of the psychological symptoms of shame that can look like depression include:

  • Persistent low mood or sadness
  • Low self-esteem
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Critical thoughts towards self and others
  • Low motivation
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Thoughts of self-harm

Physical Symptoms 

Chronic feelings of shame and the associated psychological effects can impact your physical health, and this can look like depression because the symptoms are the same. Some of these can include:

  • Changes in appetite and/or weight
  • Chronic aches and pains
  • Lack of energy
  • Sleep difficulties

Social Symptoms 

When dealing with the psychological and physical symptoms of shame, it’s natural that you would struggle socially as well. When screening for depression, the following symptoms are noted. However, these are also common when suffering from intense and persistent shame:

  • Avoiding friends, family, and social events
  • Disinterest in hobbies
  • Conflict in your work or family life

How is Shame Different from Depression?

While shame can look a lot like depression, there are some key differences. One of the main differences is the underlying source. There are many things that can cause depression, like poor nutrition, grief and loss, and genetics. Shame often stems from past abuse and neglect and can co-occur with other trauma-related problems. Therefore, the treatment is going to reflect these differences. 

Christian Counseling in Raleigh for Overcoming Shame

If shame is impacting your life, and you want faith-based and scientific methods for recovery, then Christian counseling in Raleigh, NC can help. Through Christ, you can find guidance and strength to move past shame and into the abundant grace of God—grace that teaches you how to overcome shame.

Your counselor will tailor the sessions to meet your needs, which can include a blend of proven therapeutic methods, like CBT therapy and others. You will also find encouragement through scriptures, prayer, and the support of a fellow Christian who provides a shame-free space for reflection and growth.

Are you struggling with shame? Christian Counseling in Raleigh, NC can help!

If you live in the Raleigh area and are interested in “Christian counseling near me,” then Sojourner Counseling can help. We provide a variety of therapeutic methods for dealing with shame, so you can better grasp why you have this struggle while gaining useful tools for recovery. Contact our Christian therapists in Raleigh, NC today to learn more, or to schedule your initial appointment. 


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