Reasons to See A Christian Counselor Near Me

Reasons to See A Christian Counselor Near Me

christian counseling near me

There are many options for types of counselors and therapists. You might have stumbled across this blog because you searched “Christian counselor near me”. With all the choices, why should you consider working with a Christian therapist? Here are five reasons you might consider working with a faith based counselor: 

A Christian Counselor Uses a Faith-based Perspective: 

Working with a Christian counselor allows you to work through any mental health challenges through a Christian worldview and biblical lens. Your Christian therapist will help you see how faith can connect to the issues you face and encourage you to grow in the spiritual aspect of your life. If you consider faith a central or important part of your life, working with a therapist who understands your faith can keep what you value an important part of your counseling experience.

A Christian Counselor Incorporates Faith and Mental Health: 

A Christian counselor is trained in psychological and therapeutic techniques. These techniques can assist you in addressing problems or concerns that you’d like to change or work on. Christian counselors are licensed and have graduate level training. Additionally, they often receive specialized training in various specialties that help them to address unique concerns and stay up to date on the latest evidence based practices. In addition, these licensed and trained counselors are Christians who understand your faith and can integrate Christian beliefs with these therapy practices. 

You Can Practice Spiritual Exploration: 

While a Christian counselor is not a pastor or minister, your therapist can be a safe person to explore areas of spiritual confusion or conflict. We all experience areas where faith and daily life can seem at odds. It can be hard to reconcile where faith and challenges meet. You might find it hard to express doubts or struggles to a pastor or someone in your faith community. You might be temporarily displaced from a church community. Whatever the reason, your therapist can help you explore areas of faith. Your counselor will not tell you what to believe or where you should stand theologically but can be a place to voice or express matters related to your spiritual growth. Finally, in doing so, a Christian counselor can help you wrestle in and/or deepen your relationship with God. 

We provide a Safe, Supportive Environment: 

A therapist’s job is to provide a safe, protected environment. Christian counselors are bound by confidentiality, meaning a therapist cannot share information discussed in sessions. (There are a few limitations to this, such as your or another individual’s safety in jeopardy.)  What you discuss cannot be shared to friends or family or even your pastor or faith community without your consent. Additionally, a counselor strives to help you feel safe and understood. The counseling office is a compassionate, caring space to address hardships or to have a listening ear when you’re unsure who to talk to or feel misunderstood by others. 

We Can Help Prioritize Your Relationship with God: 

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 

Jesus’ words in John 15 show the necessity of being in relationship and abiding in God. There is a promise to bear fruit when abiding in God. For the Christian seeking to abide and deepen his or her relationship with God, a Christian counselor assists you with exploring more of who God is, how God sees you, and how you view God. You can invite God into your healing process as the ultimate source of healing, peace, joy and rest in times of suffering and struggles. 

Christian Counselors Offer a Mind-Body-Spirit Approach:

Searching for a Christian counselor near me who uses a holistic approach? That’s a benefit of working with a Christian therapist. A Christian therapist sees a person holistically as being composed of mind, body, and spirit. Assistance goes beyond the behavior and outside of a person. Christian counseling will look at the internal and consider the spiritual, eternal view of an individual. A mind-body-spirit approach allows you to view and understand yourself fully. A holistic approach considers  healing that incorporates mental, emotional, spiritual, relational and physical aspects. 

Looking for a Christian counselor near me or Christian counseling in Raleigh NC?

If you’re looking for Christian counseling in Raleigh NC or desiring to work with a therapist through online therapy in NC, Sojourner Counseling provides a space for Christians seeking just that. We specialize in providing Christian counseling; we aim to honor the importance of your faith while addressing your mental and emotional health. We believe in the connection between mind, body and spirit to holistically address your concerns and seek to uncover the root of your concerns. We are Christians ourselves and find joy in meeting with children, teens, women and families to provide therapy. Ready to start with a “Christian counselor near me”? Give our office a call today to get started.


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