Back to School: Navigate School Stress as a College Student

Back to School: Navigate School Stress as a College Student

college students back to school

Juggling multiple classes, preparing for exams, and navigating relationships can take their toll on even the most resilient person. Whether you’re entering your freshman year of college or you’ve been at this for a few years, it’s always a good idea to have some effective ways of dealing with stress. If you want to be at your best, then these tips for managing stress as a college student might be useful for you. 

Rest Up Before College

You have a lot going on right now, so it can be easy to forego a good night’s sleep. Before long, you will notice that a lack of sleep makes it more difficult to keep up with it all, and once classes start, you’ll deal with a whole host of stress-causing problems. Difficulty focusing, irritability, and even depression can result. So, it’s best to prioritize sleep ahead of time, and go ahead and establish a nighttime routine while you’re at it—one less thing to adjust to on your first day! 

Eat Brain-Boosting Foods 

College students are notorious for bad eating habits. As understandable and common as it might be, it’s a surefire way to weaken your body, and by extension make it difficult to deal with stress. Do your best to consume brain-powering foods, like fish, broccoli, berries, nuts, and even dark chocolate. 

Exercise Regularly

Did you know that stress builds in your body, leading to muscle and joint pain, difficulty concentrating, and more? Not only will exercise make you feel great when done regularly, it is a natural and effective cure for some of these common side effects of stress. You can have fun with it, too. Find an exercise routine that is simple and enjoyable, so you can stick to it and be glad that you did. 

Blow Off Some Steam

You’re going to have a lot to manage as a college student, so it’s a good idea to have a stress-relieving activity that can give you a mental break from it all. Maybe you can pursue one of those interests you’ve been thinking about, like music, art, or journaling. 

Organize Your Life

Few things are more stressful than cramming for an exam or completing a complex assignment at the last minute—except maybe missing one altogether. Get ahead of this problem by getting organized. There’s virtually endless ways to task manage, ranging from to-do list apps to old-fashioned planners. You can also have some fun creating a workspace where you can study in peace and quiet. 

Stay Connected 

Going to college is a great time to spread your wings and experience some independence. While you’re out there learning more about who you are, don’t forget to stay connected with the important people in your life. Check in with your family members, make time for friends, and find a local church community that can help you with the difficulties of keeping the faith in college. While it’s great that you’re working hard for a bright future, don’t forget to keep your relationship with God priority. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help in College

Going to college is challenging, so it’s smart to take advantage of any resource that can help you succeed. Lean on your family and friends, instructors, and consider utilizing the expertise of a professional counselor. For example, there are Christian therapists in Raleigh that can help you with any difficulty you’re experiencing while offering bible-based support at a time that can make young Christians feel pressure because of their faith. 

Christian Counseling in Raleigh, NC Can Help College Students Manage Stress

Are you a college student that’s interested in Christian counseling in Raleigh? Get help managing stress and anxiety, spiritual concerns, and more at Sojourner Counseling. We provide safe, compassionate counseling that’s tailored to the unique needs of each person we meet with. Whether you just want to chat or would benefit from proven therapeutic methods mingled with the power of the faith, give us a call to learn more!


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