Back to School: How to Make New Friends for Sixth and Ninth Graders

Back to School: How to Make New Friends for Sixth and Ninth Graders

back to school

Usually, sixth graders are transitioning from elementary school to middle school, and ninth graders are going from middle school to high school. For this reason, being a sixth- or ninth-grader can come with all kinds of challenges, including making new friends. Looking for some tips? Here are some things that you can try! 

Making Friends When Starting Middle School

Middle school is notorious for being difficult to navigate socially, especially for sixth graders who are the newest and youngest kids among their peers. Establishing some new friendships goes a long way toward helping sixth graders feel socially secure. Here’s how it’s done.

Be Authentic and Approachable

When kids start middle school, they are bombarded with all kinds of social pressures, and the need to fit in might tempt them to change who they are to go along with the crowd. Instead of worrying about whether people like you, focus on making other people feel liked. Then, they will naturally gravitate toward you, even if you have differences. 

Get to Know Your Friend’s Friends

One great, low-stress way to make new friends is to introduce yourself to people that your friends already know. Having a familiar face in the mix makes it easier to talk to someone new, and you can do things as a group rather than getting to know a new person one-on-one.

Join a Club or Try Out for a Sports Team

Did you play any sports in elementary school? If not, it’s not too late to get started! Find out which sports and school clubs are available and give something a try. Not only can you grow a useful skill that will improve your confidence, but you can also meet some great people in the process. 

Be a Friend to Someone Who Needs a Friend

If you’re feeling nervous about making new friends, know that you’re far from alone in this experience. Being a friend to someone else who needs a friend is a great way to solidify a long-term friendship. Is there someone sitting alone at lunch? Go sit by them and introduce yourself!

Making Friends as a High School Freshman

Being a high school freshman is a social struggle for many people. While friends from middle school might be in some of your classes, you’re going to see more new people than familiar faces. You will get to know many of these people throughout all your high school years, but here is how you can get a good head start on making the right impression. 

Build a Reputation for Kindness

It’s a common misconception that the “mean kids” are the popular ones, but that’s not usually the case. In-fact, it’s those who are kind to everyone that build a good reputation. While there will be people that you naturally connect with, you can still go out of your way to show kindness to those who are outside your friend circle—and doing so will make people respect you all the more because this shows that you are a confident, people-loving person.  

Master the Art of Small Talk

Is small talk something you struggle with? While it can feel awkward to strike up a conversation with people you aren’t familiar with, it’s one of the best ways to make new friends. Plus, this is a skill that will serve you well for the rest of your life. So, how is it done? Focus on the other person more than on yourself. Ask questions to get to know what they are interested in, then ask follow-up questions. If you find common ground, then you might just make a new friend!

Get Involved in Your School 

High school is a busy time, but don’t let your social needs slip. You can join a sports team, school band, or club. It’s also important to attend school-related events, like dances and home-team sporting events. This can be challenging for an introverted person, but getting out of your comfort zone now and then works wonders for your emotional health and can help you make new friends.

Are you struggling socially? Christian counseling in Raleigh, NC can help!

There are many reasons people struggle to make friends in the sixth grade and ninth grade, and sometimes reading a few tips isn’t enough to help. If you’re looking for something more, then Christian therapists in Raleigh are here for you. Reach out to Sojourner Counseling for Christian counseling in Raleigh for teens that want to build a strong confidence, reduce social anxiety, and grow their social skills. We will partner you with a Christian therapist that works at your pace in a safe and compassionate environment.


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