Back to School: The Importance of Sleep

Back to School: The Importance of Sleep

back to school and the importance of sleep

Buying school supplies, getting organized, and touring the classroom before the big day are all great ways to get ready for the new school year—but that’s not all. It’s also important to ensure that your child or teen has a regular bedtime routine that makes time for adequate amounts of sleep.

Do you want to know more about why sleep is important and how you can help your kids rest up so they’re at their best each day? This guide can point you in the right direction!

Why Establishing a Sleep Schedule is Important

Most kids don’t form good habits on their own, and this includes going to bed on time. Without enough sleep, your child will have difficulty focusing during school, completing assignments, and could even experience behavioral problems. Long-term complications can be even worse, like a weakened immune system and other health risks. 

How Much Sleep Does Your Child Need?

The amount of sleep a child requires depends on their age. According to the National Sleep Foundation, experts recommend the following:

  • 10–13 hours of sleep for ages 3-5.
  • 9–11 hours of sleep for ages 6-13.
  • 8–10 hours of sleep for ages 14-18.

In addition to ensuring that your children and teens get enough sleep, it’s important to keep their bedtime routine consistent. This promotes a regular circadian rhythm, making it easier for them to fall asleep, stay asleep soundly, and wake up on time. 

How to Create a Good Bedtime Routine

We are all creatures of habit, and your children are no different. The best way to help them get enough sleep is to form a regular bedtime routine. 

The first step of creating a bedtime routine is to determine how much sleep they need. See the section above! Start first with identifying what time your child needs to wake up. Then, work backwards from the wake up to set a bedtime. After you set a bedtime, decide what their bedtime routine will include and how long it will take. Then, you can make a schedule. For example, if your child needs to be in bed by 8:00, their bedtime routine might start at 7:00. This routine should be simple and relaxing, both mentally and physically, and you can vary the routine to suit each child’s age and interests. 

Ideas for a Bedtime Routine:

  • Taking a warm bath or shower
  • Brushing teeth and getting organized for the next day
  • Reading together or individually
  • Journaling
  • Listening to soft music
  • Reciting bedtime prayers

Getting Your Sleep Schedule Back on Track

Kids want to have a good time during the summer, so it’s perfectly normal if you cut them a little slack here and there. If your kids have been staying up late and sleeping in all summer, then getting their sleep routine back on track can take some time. 

It’s best to start a week or two before the first day of school, moving their bedtime and wake-time at 15-minute intervals until they get to where they need to be. If school has already started, then it could take some time before a sleep rhythm is established, even with a strict bedtime routine. 

In any case, there are other things that can be done to promote a good night’s sleep, whether your bedtime routine is firmly established or not. 

Tips for a Quality Night of Sleep:

  • Avoid electronics, including phones, tablets, computers, video games, and televisions one hour before bedtime.
  • Keep the room dark using heavy or light-blocking curtains, and keep nighttime lights or lamps to a minimum.
  • Ensure that the room’s temperature is comfortable, and the bedding is of a good quality.
  • Eliminate noise and distractions while your child is going to sleep as much as possible. 

Is Your Child or Teen Having Sleep Problems? Consider Christian Counseling in Raleigh, NC

Does your child or teen have trouble sticking to a bedtime routine? Or are they having sleep difficulties, even with a routine in place? There are many reasons why children and teens have trouble sleeping, and sometimes these underlying causes are hard to identify and deal with on your own. This is where Christian therapists in Raleigh can help.

Sojourner Counseling provides Christian counseling in Raleigh for children, teens, women and families. We can help you establish an age-appropriate bedtime routine, or provide counseling for problems that affect sleep like anxiety, depression, and trauma. If you want to learn more, then reach out to us for a chat with a friendly Christian member of our team!


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