child therapy - Sojourner Counseling Thu, 29 Aug 2024 17:53:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 child therapy - Sojourner Counseling 32 32 Back to School: 3 Mindfulness Tools for Students Thu, 29 Aug 2024 17:52:59 +0000 Students of all ages have a lot to keep up with, so it’s good to be prepared. When getting ready for the new school year, you ensure that you have the right school supplies and everything else that’s necessary to succeed. What about tools for staying on track during lessons, getting assignments done on time,…
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The post Back to School: 3 Mindfulness Tools for Students first appeared on Sojourner Counseling.

Students of all ages have a lot to keep up with, so it’s good to be prepared. When getting ready for the new school year, you ensure that you have the right school supplies and everything else that’s necessary to succeed. What about tools for staying on track during lessons, getting assignments done on time, and managing stress? If you could use some extra help in any of these areas, then mindfulness can be an excellent tool!

What is Mindfulness, and How Does it Help?

Mindfulness, in simple terms, is awareness of what is happening internally and externally. Mindfulness helps students focus, complete assignments, and manage difficult emotions, even when their external and internal surroundings feel overwhelming. 

There are many mindfulness tools and techniques that can help. Here are three that you might find useful!

  1. Mindfulness for Improved Focus

Concentration and focus are important for students of all ages, but sometimes it can be easy to get distracted. Whether you want to pay attention to lectures or stay on task when completing assignments, this focus mindfulness exercise can help:

  • Close your eyes, and take a slow, deep breath. Notice the coolness of the air as it fills your lungs.
  • Feel your lungs and stomach expand as you breathe in and get smaller as you breathe out.
  • Listen carefully to any sounds that are happening around you externally, like the ticking of a clock, the rustling of papers, or the singing of birds.
  • Turn your attention inward and listen to yourself. Notice your breathing and the sound of your heartbeat.
  • Think about what you want to focus on. Open your eyes, and carefully place all your attention on this one thing. Let all other sights and sounds fade into the background. 
  1. Mindfulness for Academic Performance

Do you struggle to get things done? Procrastination is a common problem, and there is a mindfulness technique that is designed for this specifically. It is called the Pomodoro Technique. With this technique, regular work sessions are broken up with frequent, short breaks. This provides a manageable goal while helping to prevent burnout or lost focus. Here is how it’s done:

  • Decide which task you need to get done, like a homework assignment or studying for a test.
  • Set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on the task at hand for that entire time.
  • After the time is up, take a 5-minute break. 
  • Do this four times, then take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.

The time-frame used can be adjusted based on the age of the student and their ability to remain focused without stress. 

  1. Mindfulness for Stress Relief

Students can experience stress from a wide range of sources academically, socially, and personally. Having a go-to mindfulness technique for managing stress can help the student deal with the challenges of day-to-day life. Here is one bible-based stress-relief mindfulness method that you might find useful:

  • Choose one of your favorite scriptures that brings you peace and comfort. For some suggestions, see the list below.
  • Begin by taking a few slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Open your eyes and read the scripture slowly while thinking carefully about the meaning of each word.
  • Repeat the process of slow, deep breaths while reading and meditating on the scripture until the stress you are feeling subsides.

Suggested Scriptures for Mindfulness

When choosing scripture to use in the mindfulness technique above, find something that is short, easy to read, and inspiring. Here are some suggestions:

  • Psalm 46:1-3: God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
  • Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
  • 1 Peter 5:7: Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
  • Psalm 94:19: When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, your consolations delight my soul.

Christian Counseling in Raleigh, NC Teaches Mindfulness to Students

Whether you are a parent who wants to help your child succeed, or you’re a student yourself, mindfulness is a useful tool. Do you want more tips and techniques that are geared to the specific needs of your child, teen, or yourself? Consider Christian counseling in Raleigh!

Sojourner Counseling is a team of professional Christian therapists in Raleigh that offer proven therapeutic counseling from a faith-based approach. We can teach traditional mindfulness techniques, as well as those that utilize biblical resources. If you are looking for a “Christian counselor near me” that provides this service, then reach out to us soon!

The post Back to School: 3 Mindfulness Tools for Students first appeared on Sojourner Counseling.

Back to School: The Importance of Sleep Tue, 13 Aug 2024 18:30:00 +0000 Buying school supplies, getting organized, and touring the classroom before the big day are all great ways to get ready for the new school year—but that’s not all. It’s also important to ensure that your child or teen has a regular bedtime routine that makes time for adequate amounts of sleep. Do you want to…
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The post Back to School: The Importance of Sleep first appeared on Sojourner Counseling.

Buying school supplies, getting organized, and touring the classroom before the big day are all great ways to get ready for the new school year—but that’s not all. It’s also important to ensure that your child or teen has a regular bedtime routine that makes time for adequate amounts of sleep.

Do you want to know more about why sleep is important and how you can help your kids rest up so they’re at their best each day? This guide can point you in the right direction!

Why Establishing a Sleep Schedule is Important

Most kids don’t form good habits on their own, and this includes going to bed on time. Without enough sleep, your child will have difficulty focusing during school, completing assignments, and could even experience behavioral problems. Long-term complications can be even worse, like a weakened immune system and other health risks. 

How Much Sleep Does Your Child Need?

The amount of sleep a child requires depends on their age. According to the National Sleep Foundation, experts recommend the following:

  • 10–13 hours of sleep for ages 3-5.
  • 9–11 hours of sleep for ages 6-13.
  • 8–10 hours of sleep for ages 14-18.

In addition to ensuring that your children and teens get enough sleep, it’s important to keep their bedtime routine consistent. This promotes a regular circadian rhythm, making it easier for them to fall asleep, stay asleep soundly, and wake up on time. 

How to Create a Good Bedtime Routine

We are all creatures of habit, and your children are no different. The best way to help them get enough sleep is to form a regular bedtime routine. 

The first step of creating a bedtime routine is to determine how much sleep they need. See the section above! Start first with identifying what time your child needs to wake up. Then, work backwards from the wake up to set a bedtime. After you set a bedtime, decide what their bedtime routine will include and how long it will take. Then, you can make a schedule. For example, if your child needs to be in bed by 8:00, their bedtime routine might start at 7:00. This routine should be simple and relaxing, both mentally and physically, and you can vary the routine to suit each child’s age and interests. 

Ideas for a Bedtime Routine:

  • Taking a warm bath or shower
  • Brushing teeth and getting organized for the next day
  • Reading together or individually
  • Journaling
  • Listening to soft music
  • Reciting bedtime prayers

Getting Your Sleep Schedule Back on Track

Kids want to have a good time during the summer, so it’s perfectly normal if you cut them a little slack here and there. If your kids have been staying up late and sleeping in all summer, then getting their sleep routine back on track can take some time. 

It’s best to start a week or two before the first day of school, moving their bedtime and wake-time at 15-minute intervals until they get to where they need to be. If school has already started, then it could take some time before a sleep rhythm is established, even with a strict bedtime routine. 

In any case, there are other things that can be done to promote a good night’s sleep, whether your bedtime routine is firmly established or not. 

Tips for a Quality Night of Sleep:

  • Avoid electronics, including phones, tablets, computers, video games, and televisions one hour before bedtime.
  • Keep the room dark using heavy or light-blocking curtains, and keep nighttime lights or lamps to a minimum.
  • Ensure that the room’s temperature is comfortable, and the bedding is of a good quality.
  • Eliminate noise and distractions while your child is going to sleep as much as possible. 

Is Your Child or Teen Having Sleep Problems? Consider Christian Counseling in Raleigh, NC

Does your child or teen have trouble sticking to a bedtime routine? Or are they having sleep difficulties, even with a routine in place? There are many reasons why children and teens have trouble sleeping, and sometimes these underlying causes are hard to identify and deal with on your own. This is where Christian therapists in Raleigh can help.

Sojourner Counseling provides Christian counseling in Raleigh for children, teens, women and families. We can help you establish an age-appropriate bedtime routine, or provide counseling for problems that affect sleep like anxiety, depression, and trauma. If you want to learn more, then reach out to us for a chat with a friendly Christian member of our team!

The post Back to School: The Importance of Sleep first appeared on Sojourner Counseling.

Child Therapy: Should my child see a therapist? Mon, 05 Feb 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Understanding and supporting our children’s emotional health is as crucial as caring for their physical health. As kids and teens develop and grow, shifts in friendships, social expectations, academic pressures, and hormonal changes can bring about a wide- range of emotions and challenging behaviors. As parents attempt to ride out the ebb and flow of…
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The post Child Therapy: Should my child see a therapist? first appeared on Sojourner Counseling.

Understanding and supporting our children’s emotional health is as crucial as caring for their physical health. As kids and teens develop and grow, shifts in friendships, social expectations, academic pressures, and hormonal changes can bring about a wide- range of emotions and challenging behaviors. As parents attempt to ride out the ebb and flow of these fluctuating moods they may question whether what they’re seeing is “normal development” or an indication that their child could benefit from outside support in the form of child therapy.

Indications Child Therapy May Be Beneficial

Therapy is not exclusive to severe mental health issues and can be extremely beneficial in addressing everyday stressors, as well as more significant challenges kids are facing. Below are some indicators when considering if therapy may be beneficial:

Persistent Behavioral Changes:

It is very natural for children to go through various phases, but extreme changes in behavior may indicate that something else is going on. If you’re noticing consistent irritability, sadness, social withdrawal, or disruptive behavior, therapy can help explore what may be behind those behaviors.

Academic struggles:

Difficulty in school, despite effort, or a change in effort may be a sign of an underlying issue. A therapist can help identify and address potential learning or attention difficulties.

Difficulty in expressing emotions:

Children may not always have the words to express what they’re feeling and teens may not always desire to share what they’re feeling with their parents. If your child is struggling to communicate their emotions, or if you are seeing more tears or tantrums than typical, therapy can provide a safe space for your child to explore and express their feelings, fears, and concerns.

Major life changes or trauma:

Events such as divorce, the loss of a loved one, or other traumatic experiences can profoundly impact a child’s mental health. If your child has undergone significant life changes, therapy can assist in processing and coping with these events.

Physical symptoms without medical explanation:

Emotional distress can often present in somatic symptoms, such as stomachaches or headaches. If medical examinations have ruled out physical causes, a therapist can explore the emotional root of these symptoms.

Child Therapy Can Help Empower Your Child

Early intervention through therapy can prevent issues from escalating and provide your child with a comfortable space to express themselves without judgment. A therapist can work with your child on skill-building by collaborating with them to develop coping mechanisms, emotional regulation strategies, and problem-solving skills to help empower your child to navigate challenges more effectively. If you would like to talk more about child therapy for your child, then reach out to us today to see if we would be a good fit as your Raleigh counselor.

The post Child Therapy: Should my child see a therapist? first appeared on Sojourner Counseling.
